This instantly made me worried that too many cooks were going to spoil the broth, but ultimately, the Dynasty Warriors movie does a pretty faithful job at taking the wild action from the games and translating it into a movie setting. I think it took roughly 2-3 minutes to get through all of the logos of each individual company before the movie proper actually started. The Dynasty Warriors movie was directed by Roy Chow and features perhaps the longest list of production companies I’ve ever seen in my life. I decided to give it a shot and figured I would share some of my thoughts on it. I used to always play the games with my non-video game-playing sister back in the day, with the DW games being one of the rare occasions where she could actually be coerced to pick up a controller, so it seemed fitting that she recently made me aware of a Dynasty Warriors movie over on Netflix. I think I’ve mentioned before that I enjoy playing the Dynasty Warriors series of games from Koei Tecmo, with the combination of wild brawling action and colourful characters being something that has entertained me since way back in the sixth gen of gaming when I first played Dynasty Warriors 3.