If we oppose him in the shifting sands of the desert, we shall be no match for him, and we must therefore try a different plan. Yang Han, governor of Kao-ch`ang, counseled him, saying: 'Lu Kuang is fresh from his victories in the west, and his soldiers are vigorous and mettlesome. ad init.: 'For those who have to fight in the ratio of one to ten, there is nothing better than a narrow pass.' When Lu Kuang was returning from his triumphant expedition to Turkestan in 385 A.D., and had got as far as I-ho, laden with spoils, Liang Hsi, administrator of Liang-chou, taking advantage of the death of Fu Chien, King of Ch`in, plotted against him and was for barring his way into the province. Thus, Thermopylae was of this classification because the possession of it, even for a few days only, meant holding the entire invading army in check and thus gaining invaluable time. Tu Mu defines the ground as ground 'to be contended for.' Ts`ao Kung says: 'ground on which the few and the weak can defeat the many and the strong,' such as 'the neck of a pass,' instanced by Li Ch`uan. Ground the possession of which imports great advantage to either side, is contentious ground.